Spathiphyllum Pearl Cupido AKA Peace Lily / Closet Plant / Spathe Lily

Let’s cut to the chase: peace lilies, with the flower just starting to emerge, are super-dooper cute. This plant’s diminutive size and love of sticky heat make it the perfect candidate as the centre-piece to a terrarium. For those seeking something larger, these little guys can flourish equally well in a larger, open pot and can brighten up any living space with their delicate white blooms.  

house plants uk

Where Does It Come From?

Spathiphyllum is a genus that includes about 47 species of flowering plants in the wider family Araceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas and southeastern Asia. Peace Lilies tend to grow in quite arid regions within this geographic range. 

Why Should I Get One?

  • A favourite in homes and offices alike, the Peace Lily is well known for purifying the air and so it’s common to see these humidity-loving plants in bathrooms and sticky workspaces with dodgy AC!
  • These sleek plants really steal the show with their striking white ‘flowers’ which are actually a specialised leaf bract that grows to protect the plant’s pollen-carrying goods. The white tip with the waxy dark green leaves makes for a really beautiful addition to a room.

How Big Can It Grow? 

Peace Lilies tends to remain fairly small, rarely reaching larger than 30cm tall indoors. This particular species works excellently as a terrarium miniature as it thrives in the humidity of an enclosed, self-contained garden. Due to it’s small size and slow growth rate, this is a good option for those with limited space. 

Where Should I Keep It? 

Like many of the most popular houseplants in the UK, the Peace Lily grows best in medium to low light conditions, making it perfect for brightening up rooms that aren’t blessed with floods of natural sunshine. Exactly where you choose to pop your Peace Lily depends on what you would like your plant to look like. Plants that are grown in more light tend to be more likely to produce the lovely white flowers the species is known for, while specimens growth in more shade tend to remain looking more like a traditional foliage plant, rarely producing flower spears. 

How Often Should I Water It? 

Think of Peace Lilies like that friend who always says ‘no’ when you offer them another drink at a BBQ: ‘Are you sure? It’s hot – you look thirsty’… You think they’re just declining out of politeness but it turns out that they’re one of those weird camel-people who downs a pint of water in the morning and then doesn’t touch anything again until bedtime. 

Do not overwater your lily. I repeat, PLEASE, do not overwater your lily. These plants actually require so little hydration that when they’re forgotten about for months in the staffroom, they keep going and soldier on (hence the nickname, ‘closet plant’). This lily needs watering so infrequently that a regular watering schedule isn’t necessary. Check weekly to see whether your plant needs a drink: touch the top of the soil to see whether it is dry. If it is, water the lily; if the soil is still even a little damp, don’t. Similarly, these plants are not demanding of specialised nutrients. A dose of fertiliser twice yearly will be enough to keep the plant healthy. 

While trying to recreate and maintain the correct growing conditions for your plants is important, Peace Lilies are great compromisers and are still an option if the other plants in your indoor space prefer slightly different ideals. Despite being incredibly easy to care for, the Peace Lily is extremely rewarding to grow. When the white flower emerges from the green leaves, I promised that you’ll be pleased as punch! 


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