Epipremnum Aureum AKA. Golden Pothos / Ceylon Creeper / Hunter’s Robe / Ivy Arum / Marble Queen / Taro Vine

Reportedly nicknamed ‘Devil’s Ivy’ due to the fact that it stays green even when kept in the dark and is almost impossible to kill, this incredible vine has become an extremely popular houseplant. Evergreen, tough and tolerant, these plants are an excellent choice for those beginning their indoor-gardening journey or for those seeking a low-maintenance addition to bring a little tropical flavour to the home. 

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Where Does It Come From? 

Native to Mo’orea in French Polynesia, this plant is popular as an exotic houseplant the world over and has also been naturalised in tropical regions such as northern Australia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands and the West Indies; not always without ecological consequences. The vine is a forest plant, often growing up the trunks of larger trees under the shade of the forest canopy.

Why Should I Get One? 

  • By virtue of being a vine, this plant is extraordinarily versatile. These plants can be grown as climbers, as hanging plants, or even trailed along shelves and mantlepieces. 
  • This is the perfect beginners plant. It offers an extremely high-reward growing experience with very little work or know-how required from the owner. 
  • Devil’s Ivy is known as an air purifying plant and can help remove harmful household toxins from your living space. 

How Big Can It Grow? 

In the wild, like many species of vines, the Devil’s Ivy can grow to astonishing sizes. Some of the largest can reach around 20-metres tall. Like most vines kept as houseplants, these plants are easy to grow to whatever size you require, but mostly reach between 6 and 8-feet long if left untrimmed. Simply trim off any sad looking stems or trailing offshoots that are getting out of control. 

Where Should I Keep It? 

This vine is exceptionally tolerant of a wide range of light conditions. Bright, direct sunlight can lead to scorching but this is perhaps the only no-no. Partial shade, filtered indirect sun, or close to full darkness are all conditions in which this little fighter can thrive. Likewise, the plant isn’t over fussy about temperature or humidity. The plant is toxic and so should be kept out of the way of curious small children or furry friends. 

How Often Should I Water It? 

This hardy vine is highly tolerant of drought, often growing under the forest canopy where the majority of the moisture is snapped up by larger vegetation. One weekly water will suffice to keep this plant growing but if it slips your mind, rest assured that the vine can live for weeks without a single drop. During the winter and the colder months of autumn, even less water is required – a generous watering session once every two weeks is likely to be enough. The plant will appreciate a monthly feed with a balanced fertiliser in the spring and summer months that constitute the growing season, but this is very much a bonus and not a requirement. 

As an indoor plant, this tropical beauty’s needs are remarkably simple. It manages in almost any given light conditions and can tolerate frequent spells of neglect (perfect for those who are frequently away from home!) This plant enthusiastically rewards the bare minimum so you really can’t go wrong with one of these! 


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